Estimated time to complete: 45-60 minutes (if sewing by hand) 30-45minutes (if using a machine)
Here's what I used:
a small piece of plain cotton fabric (blue with silver stars)
a white piece of felt
scrap pieces of felt for eyes and mouth
polyfil for stuffing
It was super easy to make. I made the tooth first. Here's what you do:
1. Cut a simple "tooth" design out of the felt.
2. Cut out your eyes. One of the felt fabrics I had on hand had silver stars on them and I thought they would be super cute as the eyes. So I cut out two of the stars for the eyes. I then cut out two blue circles just slightly bigger than the stars for the iris of the eye.
3. Cut out your mouth. (I just rounded the edges of a small square.)
Put your tooth together. This is pretty easy as well. Just sew the eyes where they would go. The only thing left is the mouth. Leave the top part of the mouth un-sewn. (This is where the tooth/treat/money will go.)
Next sew the tooth unto the "pillow" fabric. Fold the pillow fabric in half (in order to know where to place the tooth). Remember that you'll need to leave an allowance for the seams. I left mine at about 1/4 inch maybe a bit less. Pin the tooth in place (printed side up/showing and only through one side) and then sew it on. (I did this by hand, as my machine was broken. But, you could easily do this with a machine as well.) Just stitch around the tooth until you've ended back up where you started.
Now you'll sew the pillow. Refold the fabric to where the tooth is now on the inside. You should have three open sides and one side is the seam from folding. (You can stitch that side as well, if you really want to, but when sewing by hand, why do more work?) Pin together two of the sides and a third of the last one. Once you've got it all pinned, start sewing it up. When you reach the last side unpin the pillow and turn right side out. (If you're really picky and need your corners squared, you can use a pencil or chopsticks to get them to their points.) Stuff with your stuffing of choice and then sew up the last little bit of the pillow.
Since I've made this, I've read some other blogs about their "Tooth Fairy" pillows. One woman had the idea to add a strap to it, so that you can hang it on the outside of the door, so that the Tooth Fairy won't wake up the children when taking the teeth. I wish I had thought of that. If you wanted to add this strap, just take another piece of fabric in a longer strip and sew it in (you'd have to make the 1/3 sewn side the top to be able to add it in, but I think it would be worth the little seam!)
Hope you enjoy making this little project.
You now have a "Tooth Fairy" pillow that will safely hold your little one's teeth and treats/money.
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